If you’ve been thinking about applying to study at university this year then there’s still time to put in an application – but just remember the 30 June deadline.
Posted Fri 26 June 2015 - 14:30

If you’ve been thinking about applying to study at university this year then there’s still time to put in an application – but just remember the 30 June deadline.

That’s the message from UCAS, the organisation responsible for managing applications to higher education in the UK.

Although the ‘on time’ deadline passed in January, applicants can still apply for up to five choices if they submit their application by 18:00 (UK time) on 30 June.

While universities and colleges are not obliged to consider anyone at this stage, admissions officers still want to hear from people who would like to start studying this autumn.

It’s worth noting that applications can be submitted after this deadline, but they will go into Clearing automatically. Fatuma Mahad, Director of Operations at UCAS said: “If you missed the January deadline but are still keen to find a course starting this autumn, there is still time to be made an offer if you apply now.

“Although there are no guarantees at this stage, a strong application will be treated seriously if the university or college has places available.

“So make sure you still thoroughly research, choose your courses and places of study carefully and write a strong personal statement.

“Remember that you will be spending at least three years studying and the decision must be the right one for you.”

To research courses visit ucas.com and use the search tool. Here you’ll also find a wealth of advice on writing a powerful personal statement.

Following UCAS on twitter @ucas_online will give you access to the most common questions from applicants, and if you don’t find what you’re looking for, you can ask the experts a question yourself.



UCAS Press office contacts:

01242 545469


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